Monday, 17 May 2010


Young Greens and South Belfast Greens with Adam at the vote count!

A big congratulations to QUB Green Adam McGibbon who stood for the Green Party in South Belfast at the General Election. Adam gained the Greens strongest performance yet in the constituency, winning 1036 votes and 3% of the vote! We are proud of you Adam!! :-) Looking forward to helping out in the local and MLA elections next year as well!

The Young Greens also did work in other constituencies including South Down, where Cadogan Enright gained 901 votes, North Down where Steven Agnew polled 1043 votes and in Strangford where Barbara Haig achieved 562 votes.

But of course the biggest celebration was in Brighton where Caroline Lucas made history, becoming the first Green Party MP in the UK! Congratulations Caroline! :-)

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