The end of exams is nearing, term time is practicaly over, the Students' Union is nearly empty and Elms Village deserted but fear not, the QUB Greens will be having lots of fun events and activities for those left behind in sunny Belfast!
New Green Chair and the Twisted Hop Beer Festival...
After a brilliant year of activism both within and outside the confines of the university, it's time for us to say goodbye to our two co-chairs Mark and Lois. Their dedication and hard-work has brought us on leaps and bounds over the past year but Lois has finished her course and is preparing to head out in to the big, bad world of work. Mark is spending the first term of next year on the Erasmus scheme, studying in the prestigious University of Amsterdam and getting involved with the Deutsch Young Greens. He will be returning in the summer term to the QUB Greens. We wish them both the best of luck.
For the year of 2010/11, the Chair of the QUB Green's will be Robert McGarrell.

To celebrate this, and more importantly the end (or nearing of the end) of your exams the QUB Greens are heading to Custom House Square in Belfast's city centre to attend and enjoy the wonders of
Twisted Hop Festival. On Thursday 27th May @ 6pm we will be meeting at the front of the Union in preparation for heading down to one of Belfast's newest and exciting beer festivals. Over 30 different types of beer will be available from nine of Ireland's independent breweries. In keeping with our Green Politics of buying local, independently produced products we believe this to be a very Green way of celebrating the end of this term!
Belfast Pride
Belfast Pride is Ireland’s largest Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans festival and is this year being held from the 24th July-31st July. QUB Greens will be heading down to take part in the festivities and will be also running a stand at the Community Fair! We certainly take pride in being part of Belfast Pride every year and we are always a visable and active contributer to the parade itself! If you would like to get involved, march in the parade with us or help us run the Green Party stand please let us know! :-)