Thursday, 11 February 2010


QUB Greens Secretary Bob McGarrell working the stall at the re-freshers bazaar!

This week the QUB Greens took part in the Re-Freshers Bazaar  (a chance for societies to sign up new recruits and interested students for the 2nd semester) on Wednesday and also in the QUB Students Union Green Day on Thursday!! :-D

We had a great time speaking to many students and signing up a few more people for our Tree Planting Day this weekend! Time and time again we hear from students that green issues are issues that they care for and are delighted to see a society willing to do something about it!

A special word must go out to Paul Courtney, Student Officers, the Student Union staff and volunteers for the successful Green Day and also on the huge success of the bun sale in which all of the proceeds went towards the Haiti Fund!

The 2nd semester is still young and we have many green events coming up that we would love for you to get involved in so send us an email and get active! :-D

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