The Gown, the independent newspaper at QUB since 1955, is in financial trouble (damn credit crunch) and is in need of much-needed funds.
If you value an independent voice for journalism within the SU (The Gown recieves no Union funding), and want to save an historic publication that has seen many now-prominent journalists go through its ranks, then you should help SAVE THE GOWN by coming along to the GOWN QUIZ NIGHT this Wednesday 6th May, 8PM in the Bunatee Bar. There will be a quiz, raffle, an auction and a DJ.
Tickets are £3 for students and £5 for non-students, with a free drink with every ticket! A cheap night out and for a good cause too - what more could you ask for??
Tickets available on the night at the door, in The Gown office (top floor of the SU) and from members of The Gown team.
You can email THEGOWN@HOTMAIL.COM for more information.
Please spread the word!