The Young Greens are expanding into UU Magee in Derry in time for the new university year in September 2008.
If you or anyone you know would like to be involved in helping to set up a new Young Greens branch, drop us an email at QUBGREENS@HOTMAIL.CO.UK.QUB Greens members will be assisting in setting up the new society - no previous experience required!
We are the branch of the Young Greens and Green Party at Queens University.
The Green Party is the only party that unashamedly puts people and planet before profit and power. We are progressive and democratic, and work for social equality, ecological stability and protecting the planet and human rights. The Green mantra "Think global, act local" emphasises our dedication to grassroots organisation in small local areas - such as QUB.
The Green movement is one of the biggest political movements on earth -