At the meeting of the QUB Student Council on 5th December, Green councillors formally proposed the recognition of the QUB Greens as an official university society - this was passed with little objection.
This was then followed by a Green motion to establish an SU environment committee, made up of student councillors, to advise and work with students, the university estates services and the union executive to make the university a cleaner, greener place.
Earlier, at the union's environment debate as part of political activism week, Martin Doherty of Belfast City Council and the University's environmental officer, Adrian Davis, pledged their support for the creation of such a committee.
This motion was also passed by the Student Council. There will now hopefully be a permanent committee to look after environmental affairs in the SU. Elections will be held for this committee sometime in the near future.
Thanks to everyone who supported our motions. As the first Green Party university society in Northern Ireland, we've made our own small bit of history, and in 3 months at Queens we've already come so far and learnt a lot - here's to further years and continued growth at QUB!